Thursday, February 23, 2012

Does Putting a stereo system in my bmw affect it?

I have a 1994 325is bmw, i put a stereo system in it after market sony cd player, two 1200watt subs and a kenwood amp, i was told that this might affect my electric system.Does Putting a stereo system in my bmw affect it?a system affects everyone in some way or another... if your pulling enough power your lights will dim or what not.. if your alternator is already getting bad, it will probably go out.. but hey, put the system, you wont really know how it affects the car until its in there, and there you could fix the affected problem later.Does Putting a stereo system in my bmw affect it?I have a 94 Lexus and I have two amps and a 10' kicker. The only thing that happened to me that may be from all the power my system is using is that my lights dim when i hit the brakes a little and they also dim when i roll my windows up or down. Nothing major though, Good sound definetely makes up for it.Does Putting a stereo system in my bmw affect it?You might as well go for it. It's a BMW so it's going to have trouble with or with out the stereo so it would be nice to have music to listen to while waiting for the tow truck.

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